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- Category: Detoxification
- 4 Top Benefits of a Detox Foot Spa
- The Dreaded Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction
- Monsanto’s Glyphosate (Roundup) On Trial
- Supplementation and the IonCleanse® by AMD
- Thirteen Years of Quality and Still Going Strong
- What’s in My Tap Water?
- A Surprising Activity of Sleep: Detoxifying the Brain
- Avoiding Toxins vs. IonCleanse® Detoxification
- Detoxification and The Third Pillar of Health
- Minor Nutrient Deficiencies – Do They Accelerate Aging
- Chemical Safety Improvement Act: Three More Areas of Concern Part III
- Chemical Safety Improvement Act: A Fix for Toxic Substances Control Act or not? Part II
- TSCA: The Hope, Belief and Bitter Disappointment Part I
- Toxic Byproducts of Chemical Pool Sanitizers Create Health Concern
- Ionic Yoga™ – Relaxation CD for the IonCleanse® Detox Footbath Sessions
- IonCleanse® Footbath and Far Infrared Sauna – A Great Detoxification Combination
- The Importance of Detoxification in Maintaining a Healthy Body
- Why Detoxify
- Category: IonCleanse® Articles
- Detox foot bath safety: external vs internal power supplies
- How to List on AMD’s Practitioner Locator
- A Story of Recovery: How Ionic Footbath Sessions Helped My Son with Autism Lose His IEP
- The Colors of the IonCleanse® Ion Footbath Revisited
- Replacement Plates Metals – Quality Makes a Huge Difference
- IonCleanse® Testimonials – Spreading the Word
- Health Canada Recognizes IonCleanse® System as Non-Medical Device – What This Means
- Earn rewards with online purchases!
- We have a new website!
- The Truth of the Matter
- Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics) : A Gift from the Gods, Perfect Partner with the IonCleanse® System
- China: A Unique Blend of Traditional and Modern Healthcare
- The Colors of Detoxification: The Answer To a FAQ about the Colors of IonCleanse® Footbath Water
- IonCleanse® Premier® Ionic Footbath System – “A Business in a Box”
- Neill Moroney Heads Up A Major Difference
- A Major Difference – 10 Years of Detoxification
- Overnight Repair Service: The Ultimate Insurance
- The IonCleanse® 5-And-1 Warranty – Quality Support Insurance You Will Likely Never Need
- “Two Feet at a Time”: Reflexology and the IonCleanse® Foot Bath
- The IonCleanse® Benefit We Can Talk About
- IonCleanse® Detox Footbaths – Make the Right Choice the First Time
- Diversify with the IonCleanse® system
- Remembering Bob Moroney – visionary, inventor, husband, and father
- IonCleanse® detox foot bath count update
- Better Health with Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification
- Is an Ion Machine the Best Choice for Full Body Detox?
- AMD Receives A+ Rating from the BBB
- Ionic Foot Bath Can Help To Reap Benefits of Relaxation
- 2010 IonCleanse® Video Contest
- Share Your IonCleanse Ionic Foot Bath Experience With Dr. Bob Moroney
- Trade in your IonSpa® for an IonCleanse® system
- IonCleanse® foot bath count
- 2009 IonCleanse® Video Contest Winners!
- IonCleanse by AMD Reviews – answers to the skeptics
- Win a new IonCleanse® Premier™!
- Special Bio-Cleanse® Trade-In
- Introducing AMD’s new Pay-Per-Cleanse™ program
- New Research on the IonCleanse® ionic foot bath
- Detox Foot Spa Trade-in Special Update!
- How to muscle test with the IonCleanse® Premier®
- New video explains how the IonCleanse® system works
- New IonCleanse® Solo® system
- IonCleanse® by AMD vs. the Competition
- Special Trade-in Offer
- Category: Marketing
- Feature your business on AMD’s social media channels
- Refer-a-friend!
- AMD Sponsors Generation Rescue Autism Organization
- Are you interested in selling the IonCleanse® by AMD?
- NEW Comprehensive IonCleanse® Marketing Plan
- Marketing Your IonCleanse® System with Facebook – Volume 3
- Marketing your IonCleanse® – Volume 2 – Video Testimonials
- Marketing your IonCleanse® – Volume 1
- Earn an extra $1000 per week!
- IonCleanse® Promotional Foot Detox Video
- Category: Uncategorized
- 2024 Healthier You Series: Reduce the Toxins You Eat, Breathe, and Touch – Toxicity in Food
- 2024 Healthier You Series: Reduce the Toxins You Eat, Breathe, and Touch – Home Air Environment
- 2024 Healthier You Series: Reduce the Toxins You Eat, Breathe, and Touch – Personal Care Products
- 2024 Healthier You Series – Relaxation: The Body’s Yin to the Yang of Stress
- 2024 Healthier You Series: Exercise – A Pillar of Health and Longevity: Make Your Body Move More
- 2024 Healthier You Series: Your Microbiome – Key to Healthy Immunity and 7 Ways to Nourish It
- 2024 Healthier You Series: Sleep – The Bedrock of a Healthful Lifestyle and 7 Ways to Improve It
- Double Rewards for Double December
- Healthier You Series: Move More to be Healthier and Live Longer
- Healthier You Series: Nourishing Your Microbiome
- Healthier You Series: Why Sleep is Important, and How to Improve It
- Erchonia EB-305 and EB Pro Detox Foot Bath Trade-in Offer
- Toxic Substance Control Act: Its Failure to Protect Us From Toxic Chemicals
- The No-Color-Change Mystery
- Ionic Foot Baths and Clean Shipping
- Does The IonCleanse by AMD Really Help Detoxify Heavy Metals?
- AMD Featured Practitioner: Spotlight on Sargent Goodchild
- Special Announcement
- Five Ways to Lower Your Exposure to EMFs
- IonCleanse by AMD Detox Foot Bath: The Importance of Routine for Health
- IonCleanse by AMD Ionic Foot Bath: The Medical Grade Difference
- What Does the Detox Foot Bath Color Change Mean?
- The Importance of IRB Approval
- Five Ways Detox Can Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
- Merlot, Cabernet, Chardonnay… with a Spritz of Glyphosate
- Five Foods – How They Promote Detox, How to Optimize Their Effect
- Why Conducted Emissions Compliance is Important
- The Autism Community in Action (TACA): One Parent at a Time
- Relax and Change Your Genes
- The Toxins You Are Wearing
- Double December is Back
- Refer-a-Friend Donation Matching Program (beta)
- AMD Signs Up for the UPS Carbon Neutral Shipping Option
- 2010 IonCleanse® Video Contest Winners
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- Perspectives Preparatory Academy
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- Ryan Zschau
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- Dr. Rovert Konforti
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- Sherry McAnelly
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- Kenene Farrington
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- Dolores Najera
- Debbi Rhodes
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- Terri Hirning
- Dr. Nicola DuCharme
- Andreanna Rainville Rn, CN
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- Dr. Fred Bloem
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- Terri Hirning
- Graham Pye
- Amanda Dickerson
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- Meadow Davidson
- Thinking Moms' Revolution
- Tami Duncan
- Susan Shaw
- Gaby Van den berg
- Juanee Surprise
- Andrea Dahl
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- Gina Bello
- Dr. Wayne Hogan
- Nicole Sullivan
- Jennifer Chavers
- Bobbi Warren
- Lynn Diehl
- Judi Curry
- Debbie Norman
- Dr. William Telesco
- Susan Ledet PT, ND
- Luminara Serdar
- Scott Forsgren
- Discovery Health Solutions
- Dariusz
- Testing Listing
- Stacey Keefer
- Dr. Tim Heath
- Stephanie Burtt
- Jackelyn Brannon
- TEST Bella
- Lindsay Schweikarth PA-C
- Karina Van Doren
- Virginia S Byrne, LMT
- Jana Green
- Oana Havris
- Nicole Dowling
- Judy Wheeler Detox Diva
- Judy Wheeler Detox Diva
- Dr. Erika Yancey Accelerate Integrative Functional Wellness
- Dawn Donalson
- Judy Wheeler
- [email protected]
- Keisha Shoemaker
- John Kier
- Sandra O'Grady, HOM., R.BIE
- Vaibhav Bawa
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- Marsha
- Dr. Ali Currie
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- Tammie Starnes
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- Gerald Roliz
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- Deana
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- Dr. Gligoric
- Christy Kelley
- Connie Karstens, MS & Clara Rathke, MH, CHES
- Robin Fulcher
- Dr. Louis Castaldi
- James J Maguire, DAC, CBS
- Lenka Schulze
- Aggela Salbego
- Heather Avaritt
- Alyssa Siegel, MSN, RN, FNP-C, CPEN
- Dr. Robert F Yerrington MD., PA
- Johnathan Cavallo, DC, DACRB
- Andrea Crawford
- Dr. Stephen Davis
- Deborah Weeks
- Zane McCourtney
- Kendra Cotton
- Dr. Michael Bauerschmidt
- Shannon Roznay DC
- Genie Ulshoffer
- Tina
- Melissa Rahming
- Tina Jackson
- Chad Dawson
- Franklin Perkins
- April True
- Michael Blackman
- Emily Nelson
- Elise Cochran
- Jacquelyn S Fremin, BSN, RN, MA
- Lisa Matthews
- Kristin Thelen
- suzel deer
- Marian Majewski Upton
- Michele Fuller
- Carissa Cleveland, M.Ed, CECP
- Nancy Hartman
- Timothy Hubbard
- Elaine Osgood-Audacious Life
- Michelle Love
- Nichole Barkhaus
- Dr. Linda Alva-Crofoot
- Coleen Huebert
- Teresa Jolly
- Kelbie Abercrombie
- Jeffrey J. Backenstoes, DO FAARFM
- Amy Miller MS, SLP
- Carolyn Qubeck, DOM, ND
- Paula Sockolich
- Melissa ODonnell
- Josefa Ndinofina
- Cindy Lou Hawthorne
- Kaity Lawson
- Janine Narayadu
- Jessica
- Christina Cochran
- Dr. Jen Furcht
- Travis Bachert
- Holly Cohen
- Laurie Wallis
- Elena B. Peden, CHHP, FMCHC
- Gena Ries
- Dr. Aries R Rodriguez PharmD, CCN, NASM-CPT
- Zacahary Fatkin
- Angela Willenbring
- Alexandra LaFlamme
- Adruma Victoria
- Randi Kesling
- Dr. Skye Branovan Davis, ND, CNC
- Pauline Kehoe
- Marie-Christine Leschot Burki
- Krystél Lewis
- Mary T Lang
- Dr Michael Dardano
- Brianna Lofquist
- Carmen Jimenez
- Anna-Maria Goldberg
- Dr. Sonja Powers
- Amy Eck
- Therese Holliday
- Jeanine Wolf-Richter
- ChristaPackman
- Anastacia Inglin
- kami dwarka
- Betsy Carpenter
- Suzanne B Williams
- Kyra Baker
- Deborah Solomon
- Victoria Ahrensdorf
- Dr Karen Cox Haymaker
- Diane Davis
- Michelle L Franklin
- Dr. Kelly Geritano
- Jusitn Lambert
- Ronak Patel, ND
- Winston Cardwell, III ND, LAc
- Timothy S Wong
- Courtney Thomas
- Dr. Myles Starkman
- Dr. Richard Loechinger
- Carol Loechinger
- Dr. Sultana Afrooz
- Mandy Hall
- Addy Kinser
- Dr. Brian Hickey
- Tara Wannamaker
- Mischelle Fitzwater
- Niki Kostrova
- Sage Healing Collective
- Elizabeth DeMarco
- Iris Ramirez
- Kristie Durflinger
- Jean Oswald
- Dr. Jennifer Smith, NMD
- Peter Mester ND
- Allison Price
- Robert Scott, ND
- Dennis Benn
- Lynn Rose Demartini
- Theresa Mazzei
- Marcia Nibert
- Joseph Hanks
- Michelle Malloch FNTP, ABETP
- Mary Jane Gonzales
- Kathleen Gow
- Dr. David Sas
- The Center of Massage & Wellness
- Lindsey Weers Austin
- Dr. Gregory Seaman
- Brooke Latchford
- Ted Casselman
- Ren Mendoza
- Angela Ballard
- Anna Boron
- Dr Steven L Robertson
- Brenda L Vigil
- Donna M Reicks
- Dr. Rob D'Aquila, DC, DIBAK
- Roxane Cook
- Lisa Purcella
- Kim Thompson LC CR
- Dr. Brian Ruggiero
- Leslie Jacobi
- Betty Long
- Dr. Diane Fong
- Dr. Linda Orlasky
- Wendy Johnson
- Tracey Alvarez
- Dr. Lauren Moffatt, ND
- Mirabai Marquardt
- Dr. Maria Zalone & Dr. Kevin Sommer
- Kelly Wagner
- Dr Maryann Ley
- Lynn Morales, ND
- Heather Boyd-Roberts
- Stacey Austin
- Rose Petritz
- Danelle Stokes
- Denise Oldland
- Heather McHaney
- Kristin Jacobsen
- Cruse Howe, DC
- Dr. David Pascal
- Christi Buck
- Brandon Molle
- Dr. Bonnie Juul
- Dr. Erika Schultz
- Peggy Mundell
- Susan Marie Hallam, CFNT
- Dr. Stephanie Bahlman, DC
- Taylor Scott CPN, BCS
- Karen Menz
- Michele Cochrane
- James Scaringi
- Dr. Laura Connor
- Dr. Sung Yang
- Rebecca Marie Schrock
- Dr Janelle Whitehead
- Rachel Abbett
- Amanda Glenn
- Karie Locke
- Rebecca Felten
- Amy
- Darlene Anderson
- Melissa Schofield
- Eric Boehmer
- Vanessa Drew
- Susan Rohr
- Living Health Holistic Health Care
- Laura McManis LMT
- Victoria Chang
- JT Anderson
- Melissa Vance
- Damian & Heather Dubé | FMP, CNC, FDNP, ECMT,INHC,CWC
- Kelley Jackson
- Robi Kellerman
- Casey
- Tracy Morris
- Regina Davis
- Nirbhaya
- Cheryl Maslow
- Dr. Bridghid McMonagle
- Courtney P
- Melissa Bennett
- jeong Park
- Danielle Akins
- Karen Schembari
- Ray L Carlson, MD
- Arleen Ehritz
- Jessica Young
- Lori J Garcia
- Angela Twedell
- Jennifer Petersen
- Brandy Oto
- Laura-Jean Anderson
- Nazie Spurrier
- Dr. Suzanne J. Shurbet. D.C.
- Louise Cash, D.C.
- Jacquelyn DeBruler
- Darlene Balaz
- Merry Matukonis
- Dr. Ann B. Davis
- Nanda Methuku
- Kate Dixon
- Nour Lawrence
- Frank A Torrelli DC
- Tomas Gigena MD
- Rita Robinson
- Larry K. Cimperman D.C. Agnes M. Gallagher D.C.
- Nancy Schappert PhD, RN
- Michael Myers
- Kristy Hall
- Alex Willen
- Kristin Lohneiss
- Nicholas Jensen
- Dr. Amy Shumway
- Pamela Grover, MD
- Susan Ledet
- Dr. Matthew Shelson ND
- Stacey (Dunkley) Eddy
- Stephanie Giesbrecht
- Dr. Roiketa M. Strand
- Valerie Ozsu
- Susan Giangiulio
- Dr Raleigh Phillips
- Beverly Boyers
- Anna McAlister
- Shanna Clabaugh, DC
- Denise Humphrey
- Colleen Canale
- Mary Christina Stashko
- Dr. James Bowman
- Lisa Griffin
- Lynn Westine
- Margie Hastings
- Judi M Ryan
- Sheree Michelle
- LiveWell Natural Health
- Kelly Kennedy
- Karrin Miller
- Dr Jena Peterson
- Susan Brown
- La Danya Nelson
- Michele Long
- Jeremy Simonek
- Diana Young
- Anne Hill
- Brooke Bodeen
- Gina Bello
- Joann Ready
- Tami Nelson
- Heidi Hook
- Neill
- Shannon Mentzer
- Darlena McNulty
- Dorothy Shaffer
- Phyllis Young
- Amanda Carpenter
- Christy Soto-Johnson, NMD
- Shanna Bayrd, NMD
- Joanne Seeger
- colleen roarty
- David Mateos
- Fara Murata
- Susan Boughton
- Laura Clelland
- Leila Suleiman
- Deanna Wagner
- Rachel Ginther
- Jeannie Peck
- Lucinda Crouch, ND
- Rhonda Koon
- Sarah Beyersdorf
- Darlene Holloway
- Tim Heath
- Dr. Rob McClenny
- Tracey Hartje
- Tami Smith
- Barbara Gray MS RDN LDN
- Maria Bartucca-Wilburn
- Steve (Skip) Fjerstad
- Sargent Goodchild
- Karly
- Deborah Kitt
- Jeanne Gangloff
- Korey Gotoo
- Julia Johnson
- Dr Sonia McGowin, DC
- Casey Eldredge
- Karen Nielsen
- Kelly Anne Urban
- Pam Gould
- Barbara Sands
- Gayla Erickson
- Dr Lisa Haro
- Carolyn Gochee, DC
- Terri Work
- Robin Channell
- Dr. Kim, Chiropractor Chiropractic Pittsburgh
- jennifer weeber
- Rae
- Carol B Todisco
- Ledell White
- L Andrew Tolk & David Tolk
- Dr. Steven Zarembka, ND
- Dr. Kathleen Bloom
- Michael DeFino DC
- John Hoime
- Edie Spence
- Shannon Tenorio
- Miriam Rahav
- Shanez Gunatiaka
- Cheryl Kainer
- Erin Sharman
- Debbie Lew, NTP
- Sharon Harmon
- Dr Kimberly Ostero
- Edward Corsello
- MARK SCHUELER, D.C., BSc-Nutrition
- Franca Gardner
- Raelynn Torzone
- Diane Dailey
- Michele Schramm
- Dina Wrathell
- Melody Redmond
- Brian VanWagenen
- Alder Family Medicine
- Werner Vosloo ND,MHom
- Shannon Sundberg
- Dr. Kyra Monroe-Gutierrez
- Heather Henning
- Amy Cartwright
- Stephanie Johnson
- Cori Clements
- Amy Wojciechowski
- Dayna Kowata, ND, LAc
- Faith Fischer-Whaley
- nancy dyer
- Dr. Bethany Barnes
- Integrative Medicine Orange County
- Patrick Love and Lauren Boldebuck
- Jill L Garrett
- Kicia Eyster
- Kamal Amrit-Heather Baruch
- Adrian Melero
- Crystsl Cami
- Susan Shaw
- Jessica Fieo,L.Ac.
- Joseph Rufrano
- Helene Masonholder
- Bekki Medsker, CTN, CNC, D.Ch.
- Amy B. Grupe
- Erin Schloyer
- Daniel Eyink, MD
- Dr. William C Genther
- Pina Maenza C.N.H.P.
- Annelise Werme
- Jennifer Diefendorf
- Durga
- Sherry Zahn
- Dr Bonnie Becker
- Ana Eberly
- Denise Sammons
- Tasha Robinson
- Dr. Laura Enfield
- Karen McGee, NTP
- Rayann Larsen
- Stephanie Coxon
- Dr. Kristine Trockels ND
- John Wendt
- Dr. Trisha Schleusner
- Jan Palko
- Ann Richardson
- Saltability Retreat
- Dr. Bianca Kiovanni
- Jill Wright, BCTN
- Cheryl Rosen
- Dr. Larry Schleusner
- Gail Stone
- Ruth Bowen
- Debbie Cusson
- Victoria Rebman D.C.
- Dr. Keith Raber
- Betsy Laux
- Deanne
- Elena Patino
- Cynthia Barnesky
- Kathleen Szabo
- Melanie Whitcomb
- Sam and Maija Giganti
- Susan Gingers -Eames LMT
- H. Vicky Armstrong, ARNP
- Donna D, Gardner,
- James Striano
- Julie Ray
- Christy Bohannon
- CHERYL PRICCO, Start Now Oxygen Basics, LLC.
- Tracy Southwick
- Brenda Vigil
- Tom Collins
- Alison Byrd
- Jennifer Smith, CHHP
- Debbie Troxell
- Edward Mikrut
- Linda Graves_Reynolds
- Avelina Leite da Silva
- Dr. Karen Holen
- Dawn Lane
- Lydia Basstti
- Judith Cobb, MH, CI, NCP, CCII
- Nadia Martinez
- Dr. Derek Fritz
- Kelly Baker
- Sarah Loren
- Dr. David Pascal, DC
- House of Ferrell
- Jeanne Schmit
- Patricia Crisp, ND
- Wittney Youngblood
- Peggy Ryan
- Joyce Jenkins
- Steven Goldschmidt,DC
- Sheryl L Goodling
- S Cook
- Cathie Hansen-Barre
- Cindy Stillwell Chonister
- Angie McDermott
- Dr. Maryelaine Southard
- Pam Wesley
- Carol Simonek
- Brenda VanFleet RN, BCN, HC
- Dr Kevin
- Deidra Augade
- Red Hill Medical + Wellness
- Pamela Heyen
- Kay Rankin
- Lori Thompson
- Alison Stickrod
- Andrey Okhrimenko
- Todd W. Walters DDS, NMD, IBDM
- Tyshaun Layne
- Heather Swan
- Dr. Brian K. Olson
- Garlyn Mayo
- Trevor Achenbach
- Robert Spicer CST-T, BCIH, DAAIM
- Jim Cordes
- Phyllis J. Gee, MD
- Mary Hernandez
- Tricia Cifrino
- Nicole Roark FDN-P
- Bettie McCullen
- Pam Clevinger
- Linda Mercer
- Deenie Robbins
- Joy Hewitt Kind
- Dr Steven L Schuster
- Drs. Taylor and Michelle Pascal
- Alicia Hollis
- Helen Bramow, MA, MHT, BCH, CI
- Dr. Jill Rousseau, PhD, CNC
- Wendy Cairus
- Phyllis Heffner, MD
- Lona Smith
- Jed Castelbaum
- Marci Fish, D.C.
- Patriot Hyperbarics Clinic
- Kathy Kaufmann-Alderete, RD, CCN
- Dr John R Keifer, DC
- Auneea White
- Dr. Donna Restivo
- Jan King
- Bonita Ferguson
- Jackie Boyd
- Dr K Andrew Shepherd
- Dr. Taylor Bean, ND
- Ward Hale
- Valerie Roscoe
- Stephanie Belseth
- Phaedra Neely
- Jackie de Vries
- Dr. Rebecca Risk
- Starla Weichman
- Corinna C Ferrandino, MD, Certified Applied Kinesiologist
- Linda Bickford
- Mandie Smith
- Susan Mahany
- Trina Andersen, NTP
- Rhonda Shackle
- Nicole Sadowski
- Brynna Lyon
- David Peterson
- Katie Haun
- Foundations for Health
- Saul Del Angel, NC
- Leah Buysse
- Zita Frederic
- Kristen Bakker
- Cindi Allen
- Nancy Wharton, ND
- Mary Rollins
- Nancy Foradora, LMT, CAMT1
- Connie S Marsh
- Lori Barrett
- Carmen MacikRH CWC Healing touch practicioner
- Ann Sontag
- Ronda Allen
- Maria Bjarnov
- Grant Derkatz
- Melissa Hill, FDN-P
- Jacqueline Joyce Bowlin
- Dr. Lisa Keyes
- Krasi Palavurova
- Tim Schoeff
- Krisztina Powell CNC, HHP
- Dr. David Girgenti
- Cynthia Hofmann-Coale, NTP, CNHP
- Sloco Health + Wellness
- Juanee Surprise
- Chris Walter
- Margaret Maier
- Dr. James Doran
- Jean Kinnett
- Christine Clavette
- Dr. Tom Lankering
- Brenda Eveland
- Lynn Diehl
- Highest Ground HealingLLC
- Maia Alees Walton, MD
- Anne-Marie Dupuis
- Fred Bloem, MD
- Dr. Nicole Rivera
- Jennifer Walker
- Dr. Steve Aune
- Dr. Laurie M Allen DC
- Dr Tom Patterson
- Anne Bernard L.Ac, Naturopath
- Kathleen Cassel
- Suzanne Passman
- Vicki Alcott
- David Goodfield
- Lynne (Ann) Berry
- Judi Curry
- Debbie Boehlen
- Donna Lewis
- Armen Nikogosian, MD
- Dr. Cody Nix
- Dr. Jessica Jellison
- Gennette Huber, ND
- Marge Chambry
- Carol Blom
- Karen Kent
- Callie Nixdorf
- Leslie Butler
- Marisalena Manchego
- Roxy Baxter
- Lisa Johnson
- Hayli Hartman
- Anne Mageau
- Patrick Fox, ND
- Alena Zweben, ND
- LuGene Isleman
- Dr. Kim Turner, ND, CNHP, BCNC
- Debrah Moore
- Nancy Tarlow, DC
- Valerie Ozsu MSN CNM NP
- Dr. Dannie Vogelsong
- Denise Cahill
- Susan B. Moore
- Terri Hirning
- Janie Jeffery
- Pauline Phillips
- Bradley Pike, DC
- Denise Vesner
- Joyce M Ward
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